Friday, October 12, 2007

Mold in Asian Food

Anyone who eats Asian food regularly probably knows that soy sauce has been around for at least a couple of thousand years and it is one of the most popular condiments in use today.

In ancient times, the people of Asia had to preserve meat and fish by packing them tightly in salt and the liquid that drained from the meat preserved like this was commonly used as a seasoning for other foods such as rice. As Buddhism became more popular, the salty meat drippings that were used for seasonings had to be exchanged for vegetarian alternatives. One alternative was a salty paste of some fermented grains and this was an early version of soy sauce.

As improvements were made on the recipe in Japan and a woman there opened the first commercial soy sauce brewery in the world, soy sauce soon became even more popular in Asia and its use began to spread.

Today, soy sauce is made with mashed soybeans, salt, wheat, and finally, a fermenting agent which is usually the same one used to make sake in Japan, Aspergillus oryzae. Aspergillus soyae can also be used. The mold used to ferment the soy sauce is a pretty important ingredient, as the soy sauce made with it is referred to as a “true” soy sauce.

Aspergillus oryzae is also used in the creation of Japanese rice wine, as mentioned earlier. Also called “koji”, it is one of the most important ingredients in the beverage. The mold is used to ferment steamed rice that has been milled sometimes down to less than 50 percent of its original mass in order to remove the amino acids, proteins, and fats that can really give the beverage a smell or flavor that is not as pleasant as it could be.

The cultivation of this mold is taken extremely seriously by sake brewers, since the mold is sensitive and can absorb the flavor and smell of the things around it, such as the smell of the wood a new brewing room might be constructed out of. If constructed of cedar, the sake may very well take on a faint cedar flavor after it is produced. In contrast to wine, sake should be consumed as soon as possible after being bottled. Some aged sakes are quite good, but the general opinion is to drink it as soon as you buy it.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
north carolina flood water damage restoration and other states such as
New Jersey mold remediation companies across the united states.

A Surprising List Of Diseases Caused By Mold

If you hear of an illness that ends in “mycosis”, it was probably caused by a mold. Those who are particularly at risk to contract this class of diseases are those with compromised immune systems and this often occurs in people who have a cancer of the blood, chemotherapy patients, those with HIV or AIDs, anyone with serious blood disorders. Even those these diseases are far more likely to affect those with compromised immune systems, they can develop after a person has surgery or any other invasive procedure. It can also be transmitted by contaminated surgical instruments.

Generally the first symptoms of these mycotic diseases are those that are similar to the flu, such as chills, coughing, pain in the muscles and the joints, and fever. Medications that are antifungal can cause some of these symptoms, as well, even though the fungal infection that it is intended to treat cause these exact same symptoms. These drugs can also cause kidney damage and end up affecting the eyes, skin, or liver and a doctor will probably ask for labwork often in order to catch some of these serious side effects before they become out of control.

Some of the diseases that can be caught from a mold are histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, candidiasis, blastomycosis, and aspergillosis. These are serious fungal diseases and should be treated as such.

Aspergillosis is caused by molds in the Aspergillus genus and tends to be found in many places including buildings, plants, food, water, and soil.

Blastomycosis is caused by Blastomyces and is found soils that are rich in nutrients and very moist. It has been known to affect both animals and humans.

Candidiasis is caused from the mold Candida and can cause mouth infections or genital yeast infections, but it is even more serious when it ends up invading the bloodstream. Candida is found in the intestines naturally, however.

Coccidioidomycosis is caused by the mold coccidioides and this is found most often in the dry soil in the southwestern United States, and central and South America. It starts as a flu-like disease, but can infect the lungs and infect the other organs in the body, including the brain.

Cryptococcosis is caused by Cryptococcus and associated the most with Eucalyptus trees and bird droppings. It typically begins in the lungs, but has no symptoms until it spreads to the rest of the body.

Histoplasmosis is caused by Histoplasma and tends to infect the lungs. Like other fungal infections, it includes flu-like symptoms and can spread to the rest of the body.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut Mold Remediation services and other states such as
north carolina mold remediation companies across the united states.

Desert Mold Causes Valley Fever

It might not be that obvious, but even in desert climates such as parts of Arizona, California, Nevada, and etcetera mold can be a real problem. One of the most deadly (and most difficult to pronounce) molds lives in the desert areas of the southwestern United States called Coccidioidomycosis immitis. It is also known by the common name of Valley Fever. This causes a skin disease that can be fatal if left untreated. While this mold is present in the Southwestern United States and Mexico, this mold is not present in the deserts of Asia and Africa.

Another reason that mold can be a big problem in desert areas is that people also tend to use what are called swamp coolers to cool their homes and businesses off during the hottest parts of the year. This drives indoor humidity sky high and along with it comes the mold growth that you really do not want inside your building. Leaks are also common occurrences in the water pipes that flow up to the rooftop coolers, which causes water to leak in the ceilings, attics, and walls.

A third reason is that the high heat of the desert can cause the deterioration of roofs and the siding to occur more quickly than in other environments. Water leaking into the house through holes in the roof or the siding on the side of the house will allow mold to begin growing. Do your best if you live in a desert climate to watch for these leaks, since your property is particularly at risk for this kind of damage.

Since water and air conditioning are so important in these areas, the possibility of plumbing and air conditioning condensation leaks is pretty high. The best thing that you can do to prevent air conditioning condensation is to wrap any pipes in insulation so the water does not collect.

Unfortunately, most people do not think that these climates have enough moisture for mold to be a problem, but as said, this is a fairly large misconception. The same techniques used in other environments to combat mold contamination of the home should also be used in desert climates. The majority of mold claims in desert areas are a result of water damage, but mold can also be caused by defects in the construction of a home and sometimes general maintenance issues of the property.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Water Damaged Cell Phone Tips That May Save Your Phone

If your cell phone has been submersed in water recently and you have managed to save it yourself, then good for you. But, there are some other tips that you might want to know just in case.

Another method for helping the phone dry out (if you do not have any rice on hand) is to put it on top of the vent on a monitor or a television for at least 24 hours. The low amount of heat put out by these devices should be enough to gently dry out the phone.

If you are the kind of person who keeps the silica packs that come packed in electronics, coats, shoes, and etcetera, you can put the phone into a plastic bag with a couple of these and let them absorb the moisture over a couple of days. If you do not have these on hand, a local craft store should have a flower drying kit that will contain a silica sand-type mixture. Put it in a Tupperware dish, use a dryer sheet, lay the phone on top of it, and seal it.

Corrosion is a definite threat to cell phones and other electronics and some people have suggested that you wash the phone in distilled water to wash away any kind of minerals that might have existed in the water or other liquid the phone was originally submersed in. If you choose to try this, do it only after you have removed the SIM card and battery.

If the battery is wet, do NOT heat it to try and dry it out. Batteries, especially lithium-ion ones, are quite sensitive and they very well may explode if you try to speed up the drying process in this manner.

If you choose to use alcohol to clean off parts of the phone that are sticky with soda or another similar liquid, do not apply heat to the device in any way. Do not reattach the battery until the smell of alcohol is completely gone.

This might also seem like common sense, but do not put any electronic device into the microwave. You will probably destroy not only your device, but even your microwave could be put at risk.

You should be aware that most phone warranties do not cover water damaged phones and that most phones today have special stickers inside them (only one visible to you) that will tell a technician if the phone has come into contact with water or even just too much humidity. Be careful when taking your phone outdoors when humidity is very high. It is possible to void your warranty.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
New Jersey Sewage Damage Cleanup and other states such as
New York mold remediation companies across the united states.

Easy Ways To Maintain A Smoke Free Fireplace

Quite a few homes have fireplaces, but not all of them are fit to be used as they are because they have not been cleaned in so long that when you do try to use them, it fills the house with smoke. This can do a lot of damage to the inside of the home, including ruin the paint on your walls, your curtains, and discolor your carpet. It is also a health risk, since breathing this in is not good for anyone, but the elderly, people with allergies, pets, and children are especially affected. Fortunately, though, in most situations you can make a fire that will not smoke up your house without much trouble as long as you follow a few rules.

The damper of your chimney needs to be open before you do anything. Burn some paper or other easily combustible materials in the fireplace, because you want to warm the chimney up. Cold air in the chimney is will push the warm air down and cause the smoke to fill up the room.

Open up the windows in the house and make sure that there is enough air circulating to ignite the fire. A home that is insulated well might not have enough of a draft to allow the wood to catch on fire.

You should also have some fireplace bricks underneath the grill to add some more air circulation to the process. More draft in the fireplace will make it easier for the fire to ignite.

The top of the fireplace also needs to be cleaned out regularly, since anything that gets stuck in it like leaves, sticks, bird nests can keep the smoke from being able to escape and so it floods back into the house, which is exactly where you do not want it.

You should also have the fireplace cleaned by a professional cleaning service if possible, since a layer of creosote is likely built up on the inside of the chimney. This is a tar-like substance that results from burning wood in the fireplace and if your chimney has not been professionally cleaned before and you have lived in your house for many years, then it is time for it to be. Creosote can catch on fire and cause the whole house to burn down, so having it cleaned out is essential.

To keep your fireplace functioning the way that it should, you need to know how to use it and take care of it and by the time winter gets to you, you will be able to enjoy your fireplace once again.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Things You Should Know About Water Damage And Your Computer

Water or almost any other kind of liquid is not a great thing to have around your computer or any other electronic device. This kind of damage can be expensive to either replace or to have repaired and unfortunately, many people who are unfortunate enough to have this happen to them cannot afford it.

If the liquid spilled upon the device is acidic, like soda or coffee, then it generally does more damage than simple water would do. It causes more corrosion to the metal areas of the motherboard or any other computer component such as the hard drive or CD-ROM.

One of the worst case scenarios is that you spill a liquid onto your laptop where everything, motherboard, hard drive, CD-ROM, and etcetera are all packed into the same general area. In most cases of water damage to computers, the liquid is spilled merely on the keyboard or another outside component such as the mouse. With laptops, spilling a liquid on the keyboard does not mean that only the keyboard is affected, but also the other components sharing the shell of the laptop are, as well. What can you do if water or another liquid is spilled on your laptop?

Unplug it from the A/C adapter and remove the battery IMMEDIATELY. Unplug any other external devices including external hard drives, mice, other input devices, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, and etcetera. The next thing is to turn the laptop completely upside down to stop the liquid from sinking any further into it.

Use a towel or paper towels to clean up the spilled liquid, wipe off the keyboard, exterior, and any external devices that came into contact with the liquid as well.

At this point, you could do one of two things. You could take it to a professional repairman and have them look at it (I hope you have an extra arm and leg lying around) or if you know how to take something apart and put it back together, you can try to fix it yourself. In trying to fix it, you may irreparably damage it, so if you are even remotely unsure about your ability to repair it, it is better to take it to a professional.

If you choose the do-it-yourself route, disassemble the computer and allow it to dry out completely for at least 24 hours, if not longer. Let it dry until you are satisfied that it is completely done. Whatever you do, do not turn the power on before it is. It is not water itself that kills the circuit board of any electronic device, but the electricity that runs through it when someone tries to turn the device on when it is still wet.

If it was just water, drying should be all it needs. If it was soda or any other acidic liquid, clean it with rubbing alcohol and Q-tips, then put it back together and wait for the alcohol to dry. See if it works.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Water Damage Restoration and other states such as
New Jersey Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Water And Your Cell Phone Do Not Mix

Many people have horror stories about how they lost anywhere between $50 and $600 on replacing a cell phone that was dropped into the toilet or the bath tub or any other liquid. The sad fact is that most cell phone warranties do not cover water damage and unfortunately, cell phone manufacturers have begun to place what some are calling “snitch stickers” in their phones that change color if they have been exposed to even a drop of water. While this keeps people trying to get a new free phone from saying that their old phone was not water damaged when it actually was, it is unfortunate for the consumer because these stickers have been known to change color in even just high humidity. So, water damage to phones is a serious problem, but what do you do if your phone does become submersed?

Take it out of the water immediately. The plastic covers on most cell phones these days are pretty tight, but water can get inside the phone. As long as you get the phone out of the water in under around 20 seconds, it should not have that much opportunity to seep in.

After you do that, remove the battery and do not hesitate. This is to effectively cut the power supply off from your phone; electricity and water combined are what fries your phone, not just the water itself.

If your phone has a SIM card, remove that quickly, as well. These cards store contact and other kinds of data from the phone and to some people, the information held on that card could be more valuable than the phone itself, even if the phone might cost them $600. Some service providers, however, do not use SIM cards, like Verizon Wireless.

Do not put the battery or the SIM card back into the phone. Dry them separately. Then, dry the phone itself from the outside and then if possible, put it in a bowl of rice and let it stay there overnight. You might get a grain of rice or two in your phone, but this probably will not happen. Rice will help draw out the moisture. Wait at least two or three days before trying to turn your phone back on. Never turn on an electronic device after it has been wet until you are sure it has completely dried out.

As long as the phone looks dry, it should be safe to try and turn the phone on. If it doesn’t work with the battery, try plugging it into the wall outlet. If this works, you just need to replace the battery.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Mold Legislation Before Congress To Help Americans With Mold Problems

In March of 2003, Congressman John Conyers Jr. out of Michigan introduced a bill to Congress called the United States Toxic Mold Safety and Protection Act.

This Bill says that the Centers for Disease Control and the Environmental Protection agency will be responsible for examining the effects of different kinds of mold on the health of human beings and they will research and develop more accurate results of the serious problems that are presented by the presence of mold in human habitats.

This Bill will also direct the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a certain number of items that will constitute the conditions that will cause mold to grow indoors and will outline what can be done in order to inhibit this growth. These guidelines will not only address the causes of mold growth and what can be done to prevent it, but also the inspection, testing, and remediation techniques.

The Bill also says that you could receive tax credits for the inspection and/or removal and remediation of any mold in the home or business.

Grants will be given for the removal of mold in any and all buildings accessible by the public.

It also will create what it calls a National Toxic Mold Insurance Program that will be administered by FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) in order to protect home and business owners from any crippling financial losses, because most insurance companies do not provide insurance for mold at all or what they do provide is inadequate.

It will also necessitate the modification of building codes in local areas in order to keep the risk of mold infections in newly built homes and other buildings down.

This bill will also require mold inspections for apartment complexes and any other multi-unit residential property. Public housing is also subject to these mandatory mold inspections.

Victims of mold health complications will also be covered by Medicaid if they do not have any other health care in place at the time.

It has also authorized the establishment of different public information programs that will educate the public about the hazards of mold that is allowed to grow indoors. It is believed that an educated public is better prepared to defend itself against these hazards.

For more information, please visit . If you support this bill, please contact your congressman.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
flood water damage restoration New Jersey and and other states such as
Connecticut Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Fixing A Water Damaged Laptop

You might not it, but the circuit board in your laptop and any other electronic items in your house were rinsed in clean water and dried before they were put into use? As long as the water is clean, the device will not be irreparably damaged. If something is allowed to soak in dirty water, however, with different particles and other mineral content, then the device will become damaged.

If you have a laptop that has gotten wet, the first thing to do is to turn it off immediately and remove all sources of power from it including the A/C adapter and batteries. Set these aside while you take the laptop and turn it upside down. This will stop any more liquid from seeping further into the computer.

After you do that, use paper towels or a rag to mop up the liquid that was spilled, wipe the liquid off the keyboard and the outside. Also wipe down anything else electronic nearby that got wet, too, like an external CD-ROM or external hard drive.

Disassemble the laptop (take a look at your user’s manual, too) and allow the insides to air out for at least a full day. Most people who have gone through this procedure recommend longer, especially if the liquid got further down into the computer. The best thing to do is let it sit and dry until you are confident that the interior is completely moisture-free.

If the only liquid it came into contact with was water out of your faucet, then allowing it to dry should be all that is necessary, but if it was something like soda, tea, or coffee that was spilled onto it, then you will want to clean it with some rubbing alcohol. You can use cotton swabs for this. Do not apply any heat to the device while you are cleaning it with alcohol and wait until the smell of alcohol is completely gone before you try to power it up.

Put the device back together after you are finished letting it dry or cleaning it up. Reattach the battery and see if it powers on. If it does, wait and see if it starts up as it should. If it does not, then attach the A/C adapter and plug it up. If you can turn the device on after trying this, then all you should need is a new battery. This should be pretty easy to obtain, as long as you have the money to purchase it with, either from the manufacturer or from a site like eBay.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Tips To Prevent Wildfire Damage

Even though wildfires are a part of the natural process of creation and destruction in the environment, the bad thing for people is that sometimes their homes are located directly in the path. A large number of people have to worry every year whether a wildfire will affect their area, but if you own your home and you know what to do, there are things that can protect your home from them. Depending on the circumstances and where your home is located, it may not be enough, but it certainly cannot hurt to try and you may actually end up saving your home.

Using fire-resistant materials on the exterior of your house is essential. The roofing material is the most important, since this has the largest amount of surface area and sparks of fire called firebrands will be picked up by the wind and possibly carried over your house. Having the fire-resistant roofing material such as metal, fiberglass, or tile will slow down the spread of the fire from the roof and it may not even catch on fire at all from one of these small sparks. You do not want to use oil-based roofing materials on a home that is located in a place at risk of wildfires.

Fire-resistant materials on the outer walls of your home will also slow down the spread of the fire, such as stone, metal, or brick, so if you are considering having a home built for you, these are materials you really want to consider. You should also have smaller windows on the exterior of your home, since large windows are more likely to break and allow the hot air and fire sparks from the outside of the house inside, where it will catch curtains and everything else. If you have to have large windows, have multi-pane ones instead of single-pane.

If there is a wildfire close to where you live, wet down the exterior of the house, especially your roof. This will give a little extra protection against firebrands floating by on the wind. Wetting down the yard and vegetation will also help, but you should do this just before you decide to leave the house.

Get rid of any dead vegetation in the yard and do not allow things like dead leaves to build up, since these are easy targets. If you do have a pile of leaves in your yard, the best thing that you can do before you evacuate is soak them down with water.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
South Carolina Water Damage Restoration and and other states such as
Chicago Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.